If spades are 2–2, play the ♣K, ♣A and ruff a club. If the queen is doubleton, you make two overtricks. If the queen is third, you can discard one diamond on an established club and make an overtrick. If the queen does not appear, cash the ♥K, ruff a heart, ruff a club (stripping clubs and hearts), and lead a diamond to the 10. If West has the jack or if East has K–J or A–J doubleton, you make an overtrick.
If spades are 3–1, draw the last trump, and play the ♣K, ♣A and ruff a club, again making two overtricks if the queen is doubleton and one overtrick if the queen is third. If the queen has not appeared, lead a diamond to the 10. You don’t have the luxury of stripping the hand when spades are 3–1.
A reckless matchpoint player might even risk a low club to the 10 at trick two! If it wins, you take 11 or 12 tricks depending upon West’s club length. If it loses, it might be difficult for East to shift to a diamond with any number of diamonds holdings. For all East knows you may have:
♠ K x x x x ♥ A K x ♥A x x ♣x x
♠ K x x x x ♥ A K x ♥K x x ♣x x
partner holding ♣K x x x, in which case you are planning to ruff out the ♣K and, failing that, attack diamonds. If East fails to shift to a diamond, you can draw trumps and discard two diamonds on established clubs and take 11 tricks.