ACBL Bridge Beat #54: Intercity Match Deals

By Alfred Sheinwold

The difference in the style of the two cities is shown by their management of this hand:

♠ K 9 7 6 5 2
K 5
J 8
♣ 10 8 2
♠ J 3 ♠ 8
Q J 6 A 7 4 3
A Q 9 7 6 2 K 5 3
♣ 9 6 ♣ A K J 7 4
♠ A Q 10 4
10 9 8 2
10 4
♣ Q 5 3
West North East South
Pass 2♠ Dbl 3♠
4 Pass 5 All Pass

This reporter played the hand at five diamonds and made six, thanks to the fact that the K was in a favorable position and that the clubs obligingly broke three-three.

Credit must be given to Lew Mathe for his obstructive opening bid of 2♠ and to Meyer Schleifer for his raise to 3♠. The Los Angeles stars were bent on making life difficult for us New Yorkers. And they did keep us out of a slam that we might have bid if left to our own devices.

At the other table, Ira Rubin of Los Angeles opened the west hand with a weak two-bid in diamonds. His partner, Ivan Erdos, jumped to 4NT to check on aces. Rubin showed one by bidding 5 and Erdos went on to six.

That bold slam bid gave L.A. 7 IMPs.