Overstating the Point

Cy the Cynic often favors me with suggestions about how to write my columns — on everything from punctuation to figures of speech.
“You need to avoid hyperbole,” Cy told me in the club lounge. “Not one writer in a million can use it effectively.”

Dlr: West ♠ A 10
Vul: E-W 7 6 5 3
7 6 3
♣ 8 7 6 3
♠ J 8 7 3 ♠ 5
K 9 J 10 8 4
A J 5 K 10 9 8 4
♣ A K 9 4 ♣ 10 5 2
♠ K Q 9 6 4 2
A Q 2
Q 2
♣ Q J
West North East South
1NT Pass 2* Dbl
Pass 2 Pass 2♠
All Pass

Opening lead — ♣K
I had to agree, but I will say that few players would have brought home today’s contract. After West opened 1NT and East ran to diamonds, South doubled before bidding his long suit. East-West left him to play at 2♠ — timidly since they could have done well at a diamond or notrump contract.
West led the ♣K A and continued with the four, and South ruffed East’s 10. He led a trump to the ace and returned a trump, but East showed out, ending South’s chances for eight tricks. He escaped for down one by playing West for the doubleton K.
Should South make 2♠?
I think — and this is no exaggeration — that one declarer in a thousand would succeed, but the winning play is logical. The early play marks West with A-K-9-4 in clubs. Since West neither led nor shifted to diamonds, East probably has a high diamond, so West holds the K. If East had a six-card diamond suit, he surely would have competed at the three level.
Moreover, to have a chance, South must assume that West’s hearts are K-x, so South must play West for 4=2=3=4 pattern. At trick four, South should lead a trump to dummy’s 10. He cashes the ace, leads a heart to his ace and draws trumps. When he leads a low heart next and West’s king falls, South is home.