The original declarer made something of a mess of this simple hand when the cards were distributed like this:
After ruffing the ♣K, he crossed to his hand with a trump and ruffed a second club. After drawing trumps, he claimed his contract -relying on the spades to run. Declarer had to lose a trick, however, when East pointed out that he had five spades.
I hope you saw this trap and approached the play differently. All that is needed to overcome a 5-0 spade division is a third club ruff. This is pretty straightforward. After taking the second club ruff, return to hand with a trump and ruff the third club with the ♥K. As the focus is on overcoming a bad spade break, you return to hand with the ♦A to draw the last trump. You make four spades, four trumps, the minor suit aces and three club ruffs for 13 tricks.