Stay Focused

Dlr: North ♠ Q 7 5
Vul: None A 6 5
K Q 5
♣ Q 10 9 3
♠ A K J 6 4
A J 10
♣ J 7 4 2


West North East South
1♣ Pass 1♠
2 Dbl (1) 3 4♠
All Pass

(1) Three-card spade support
West leads the K against your spade game. The contract looks solid if the opponents’ trumps are split 3-2. What is your plan if trumps are 4-1?


After viewing the opening lead, declarer paused to take stock. He could count nine top tricks and 11 would be easy if trumps were 3-2. So declarer took the first trick with the A and cashed the ♠Q and played a spade to his jack, discovering the 4-1 trump split when West discarded.

The bad trump break might have been a mild setback to some declarers, but not to this one. At trick four, he played a low club to the 6, 10 and king. After ruffing the heart continuation, declarer played a second club. West rose with the ace to play a third heart.

Declarer had to ruff this – otherwise West would have set the contract by giving East a club ruff. Declarer played a club to the queen, East discarding a diamond, and played a diamond to the ace, followed by a fourth round of clubs, extracting a second diamond discard from East. Next came a diamond to dummy’s king. East could do no better than ruff this and exit with a heart; declarer discarded the J from hand and ruffed in dummy with the carefully preserved ♠7. Declarer took the last trick with the ♠A. He had taken five trumps, a heart, a heart ruff in dummy, a diamond and two clubs. The full deal:

Dlr: North ♠ Q 7 5
Vul: None A 6 5
K Q 5
♣ Q 10 9 3
♠ 9 ♠ 10 8 3 2
K Q J 8 3 10 9 4 2
8 7 4 3 9 6 2
♣ A 8 6 ♣ K 5
♠ A K J 6 4
A J 10
♣ J 7 4 2