Weekly Bridge Quiz

Goren Bridge

Bob Jones

  1. Neither vulnerable, as South, you hold:
    A 9 4
    K 9 5 4 2
    ♣K Q 9 2
    Partner opens 2♠, weak, and right-hand opponent passes. What call would you make?
    When partner preempts in your shortest suit, stay out of the auction unless you have a hand worth 15 or more points. Pass, quickly, and hope they balance.
  2. North-South vulnerable, as South, you hold:
    ♠Q 8 5 4
    A Q 6 4 2
    ♣J 8 5

    West North East South
    1 Dbl Pass ?

    What call would you make?

    The heart spots are too weak to consider passing. Don’t get carried away, as the queen of hearts is probably worthless. Bid 2♠.
  3. East-West vulnerable, as South, you hold:
    A 10 9 8 2
    A 9 5
    ♣A Q 9 8

    South West North East
    1 Pass 2 Pass

    What call would you make?

    Matchpoint players might have to worry about 3NT, but for IMPS, money, or just for fun, bid it right. Bid 3♣ now and 4 next.
  4. Both vulnerable, as South, you hold:
    K Q J 10 7 5
    A K Q 7
    ♣Q 8

    South West North East
    1 Pass 1♠ Pass
    2 Pass 2♠ Pass

    What call would you make?

    We loved this hand at first, but it’s annoying us now. It’s close between 3 or 4. We like 3.
  5. North-South vulnerable, as South, you hold:
    ♠K Q 7 3
    J 10 8 7
    ♣K 10 8 6

    North East South West
    1 Pass 1♠ Pass
    2 Pass ?

    What call would you make?

    After a reverse, an immediate preference to one of partner’s suits at the three level should be game forcing. Bid 3.
  6. East-West vulnerable, as South, you hold:
    ♠A J 10 2
    K J 7
    A K J
    ♣9 7 6Right-hand opponent opens 1♣. What call would you make?
    A 1♣ opening doesn’t promise much of a suit in modern bidding. Overcall 1NT despite the lack of a club stopper.