Cy's Partner Issues
Cy the Cynic has gone through dozens of partners but is never happy. He’s like the lonely pyromaniac: always looking for the perfect match.
As today’s West, Cy led his singleton heart against 4♠. East took the ace and, diagnosing the lead as a singleton, returned a heart. Cy ruffed and led a diamond, but declarer won and led a trump. East’s ace won the defenders’ last trick. South won the diamond return, drew trumps and threw two clubs on dummy’s good hearts.
“Time for a new partner,” Cy growled.

Dlr: North ♠ K 10 7 5
Vul: N-S J 10 6 4 2
♣ A 10
♠ 8 6 ♠ A 9 2
5 A 9 8 3
10 6 5 4 3 J 9 7
♣ K J 7 5 4 ♣ 9 8 3
♠ Q J 4 3
K Q 7
K 8 2
♣ Q 6 2
North East South West
1 Pass 1♠ Pass
2♠ Pass 3NT Pass
4♠ All Pass

Opening lead — 5

Club Trick

Perfect partners don’t exist. I know Cy’s partners have never had one. But East erred. East can see a heart ruff plus his two aces, but the defense will also need a club trick — and must establish it before South can draw trumps and discard on the hearts.
East must assume that Cy has the ♣K J and lead a club at trick two. Since East has the ace of trumps, and the bidding suggests that South has only a four-card spade suit, Cy’s ruff can wait.

Daily Question

You hold:
♠ K 10 7 5
J 10 6 4 2
♣ A 10
Your partner opens 1, you respond 1, he bids 2♣ and you try ♠. Partner next bids 3. What do you say?

To bid 3NT might be right, but partner’s auction suggests six diamonds, four clubs and extra strength. If he had a minimum 6-4 hand, he would have rebid 2. Raise to 4 (forcing). Partner may hold
♠ Q 3
K J 7 6 4
♣ K Q 4 3