Almost Double Dummy

Dlr: South ♠ 8
Vul: N-S 8 5 2
6 4 3 2
♣K J 7 4 3
♠ A K Q 5
K Q J 10 6
♣ A 8 5
West North East South
2(1) Pass 2♠ Dbl
Pass 3(2) Pass 4
All Pass

(1) Five or more spades and five or more of a minor
(2) Some values in context

Terence Reese classified bids such as West’s 2 as extremely dangerous if the bidder’s side did not play the hand. Reese believed that, in such cases, declarer could often adopt an almost double-dummy line to bring home an otherwise tricky contract. How will you take advantage after West leads the A and continues with the K?


Declarer ruffed the second diamond low then cashed the ♠A. After ruffing the ♠5 in dummy, declarer played a trump to his king. East took the next trump with the ace to lead a third diamond. This return marked West with a 5=1=5=2 distribution originally and East with a corresponding 3=4=3=3 shape which, in turn, allowed declarer to be certain that there was no remaining link between the defender’s hands as East had 1=1=0=3 shape remaining.

Declarer ruffed the third round of diamonds and played his last trump, throwing dummy’s remaining diamond. After cashing the ♠K, declarer had the ♠Q and three clubs to the ace left. East was down to the *H*9 and *C*Q 10 2. When declarer played the *S*Q, East had a choice of unpleasant outcomes. If he ruffed, he would be end-played and declarer would make three club tricks and his contract. If instead East discarded a club, the ♠Q would be declarer’s eighth trick with the ♣A and ♣K to come. East simply folded his cards and conceded the contract. The full deal:

Dlr: South ♠ 8
Vul: N-S 8 5 2
6 4 3 2
♣ K J 7 4 3
♠ J 10 6 4 3 ♠ 9 7 2
4 A 9 7 3
A K J 8 7 Q 9 5
♣ 9 6 ♣ Q 10 2
♠ A K Q 5
K Q J 10 6
♣ A 8 5