A Moysian Fit

MOYSIAN FIT: A contract in which declarer’s trump suit is divided 4-3, usually thus described when the selection is made deliberately. Named for Alphonse Moyse Jr., whose ardent advocacy of this choice was part of his case in favor of opening four-card majors and raising with three trumps.

♠ K 8 6
9 6 4
A Q 6 2
♣ A K J
♠ A Q J 7
8 7 5 3
♣ Q 10 9 3
West North East South
Pass Pass
2 Dbl Pass 3♠
Pass 4♠ All Pass
Pass 4♣ Pass 4♠

West’s opening bid was a standard weak two in hearts – promising a six-card suit and about 6-10 points. North felt that he had to do something with his strong hand and so chose to make a takeout double. South’s jump to three spades was invitational in the suit while denying a heart stopper (with a heart stopper and four spades he would have bid a Lebensohl 2NT at his first turn then continued with 3♠ over North’s forced 3♣ rebid).

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West began the defense with the A K. As there was no point in discarding a diamond on the second heart, declarer ruffed, then paused to consider his options. He decided that it was unlikely that West had the K or that trumps were 3-3: East was a favorite to have started with four trumps.

Consequently, declarer had to sever the defensive transportation link in hearts. So, he cashed the ♠A Q, crossed to dummy by playing a club to the ace, then ruffed dummy’s last heart. Next, he led a club to the king then cashed the ♠K, throwing a diamond from hand.

When West discarded a heart on the third round of trumps, declarer led the ♣J and was relieved to see that East followed. After winning this trick with the ♣Q declarer played the good ♣10.

East was now faced with a dilemma: If he discarded, that would be declarer’s ninth trick and the ace of diamonds would give him the contact. Alternatively, if he ruffed, he would then have to lead a diamond and declarer would make two diamonds and his contract.

The full deal:

♠ K 8 6
9 6 4
A Q 6 2
♣ A K J
♠ 3 2
A K J 10 3 2
J 9
♣ 7 4 2
♠ 10 9 5 4
Q 8 7
K 10 4
♣ 8 6 5
♠ A Q J 7
8 7 5 3
♣ Q 10 9 3