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ACBL Bridge Beat #24 – Barry Cohen Wins McKenney Trophy With Over 600 Masterpoints…

Before Barry Cohen was Barry Crane, he began to leave his indelible mark on the masterpoint race that would eventually bear his name. “Barry Cohen, the Detroit Demon who has just moved to Pasadena, won the McKenney Trophy for the year 1952, scoring over 600 masterpoints! This beats the best previous record (Charlie Goren’s, naturally)
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ACBL Bridge Beat #15 – Behind the scenes at a 1930’s bridge tournament with ACBL Hall of Fame member, Alexander M. Sobel…

In the June 1937 edition of The Bridge World, ACBL Hall of Fame member, Alexander M. Sobel described eight types of players found at bridge tournaments. Here are the last two in the sequence. Do you think these descriptions still foot the bill and if so, which category of player do you belong in? **See
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ACBL Bridge Beat #14 – Behind the scenes at a 1930’s bridge tournament with ACBL Hall of Fame member, Alexander M. Sobel…

In the June 1937 edition of The Bridge World, ACBL Hall of Fame member, Alexander M. Sobel described eight types of players found at bridge tournaments. Here are the next three in the sequence. Do you think these descriptions still foot the bill and if so, which category of player do you belong in? **See
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