As usual, count your tricks. You start with four spades, three hearts, two diamonds (after the finesse works) and two clubs for a total of 11. The 12th trick can come from a favorable diamond layout or the club finesse.
If you cash the ♦A at this point, however, and both defenders follow low, will you know what to do next? If you try a third round of diamonds, West may show out and East will score two diamond tricks to beat you. If, instead, you take the club finesse (by crossing to dummy at trick three) and it loses, you’ll need to find the ♦K doubleton to make it. Is there any way to try both options without risking immediate defeat?
Yes. After the diamond finesse works, play a low diamond from both hands. By ducking a diamond, you can win any return and play the ♦A next. If the suit is 3–3, all is well: The last diamond will be the slam-going trick. And if the suit doesn’t break, you can always fall back on the club finesse.
The full deal: