Try a club to the ace. If both follow low, lead a heart to the king and a heart to the ace. If hearts are 2–2, cash the ♣K, and if they are also 2–2, you have 13 tricks. If clubs are 3–1, exit with the ♣10 and hope the player who wins leads a spade rather than a diamond. If so, you will take 12 tricks, otherwise 11.
If the ♥Q is still at large after two rounds of hearts, concede your heart loser and hope whoever wins plays a spade rather than a diamond. Now if clubs are 2–2, you have 12 tricks.
If a club honor drops on your left at trick two, play the ♥A K. If both follow or if West has three hearts, lead a club to the 10, the percentage play for five tricks. If West has a singleton heart, play for clubs to be 2–2 as West is unlikely to have two singletons and not make a peep during the bidding.