Senior Swiss winners

Ben Blacik, captain Steve Bruno, Sundaresan Ram and Marty Schiff Jr.

The squad captained by Steve Bruno won the Truscott/USPC Senior Swiss Teams, posting a final score (with carryover) of 132.96 victory points. Playing with Bruno of Oceanside CA were Ben Blacik of Phoenix AZ, and Tucson players Martin Schiff Jr. and Sundaresan Ram.
This was the first NABC victory for the team members.
The Bruno team, who finished 17th in Monday’s qualifying round, won all of eight of their matches in the final for the win.

Yeshayahu Levit, Eitan Orensten, Adrian Schwartz, Shalom Zeligman and (not pictured) captain Amos Kaminski

In second with 118.48 victory points was Amos Kaminski of New York City and teammates Adrian Schwartz, Shalom Zeligman, Eitan Orensten and Yeshayahu Levit, all of Israel. The Kaminski team qualified first in Monday’s opener.
Narrowly in third place was the squad captained by Mark Lair with 117.43 VP.